Worship Arts Ministry
The Worship Ministry of First Baptist Church of Universal City is:
- to lead the Church in heart-felt, meaningful, demonstrative worship of God
- to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ’s saving and resurrecting power inside and outside of the Church
- and to disciple believers in spiritual growth with particular emphasis on worship and worship leadership

Do you have a passion and calling to lead worship? The First Service Choir’s primary mission is to lead the congregation in worship. Rehearsing on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm in the Chapel, we enjoy rehearsal, worship, fellowship, discipleship and ministering through prayer. We gather again on Sunday morning at 8:15 am to prepare further for worship leadership. This choir is open to anyone 16 years (High School Students with parental and Student Minister permission) and older.
We are on a journey of knowing and loving God through Jesus Christ and learning to lead His church in worship.
FOR SUNDAY MORNING REHEARSAL childcare needs, contact Stephen Ferrand

This modern worship band that leads worship in the 2nd Service at 11:00 am. They rehearse on Thursday evenings. Call the Worship Ministry office if you are interested in auditioning for the Worship Band as a guitarist, bassist, drummer, percussion, keys, or vocalist.

Orchestra (High school & up)
The orchestra leads worship during the first service along with the Choir and Praise Team. The orchestra is made up of brass, woodwinds, strings and drums. You must be able to read music and will need an appointment to audition to be in the orchestra. For more information, call 210-658-6394 or email orchestra@fbcuc.og.

Tech Crew
The FBCUC Tech Crew is comprised of adults and students who are trained to run the sound, lightning, screens, and recording of our services. They meet every Wednesday night & Sunday morning and occasional extra events.

Everlasting Praise Choir (50 & up)
Our senior adult choir meets on Tuesdays at 10:00 am in the Chapel. Rehearsals are from September through May with June, July, and August off. Concerts outside the church are on the 4th Tuesday of each month. We would love for you to join our choir.

JuBELLation is our handbell choir for adults. They meet at 6:00 pm every Wednesday from September thru May (summer break in June, July and August). Must be able to read music.

Major Events Team
This team is made up of the leaders of the various ministries listed on this page. Typically, when there is an event lead by this team, there will be a link on the Worship Arts home page. The link will take you to a page that gives information about the event, including: times, dates, locations. If there are auditions for drama or musical parts, there will be a link to sign up for auditions, or a form to be contacted for more information. Check the Worship Arts page or your bulletin for these special events!

Take Note (4 yrs. to 12th grade)
Take Note is our children and youth choir that meets every Sunday night at 5:00 pm on 2nd floor Grace from September to May. There are opportunities for the children and youth to sing in Sunday morning services, a Christmas concert, and a Spring musical. Participants are offered various extracurricular tracks such as Praise Team, Drama, Guitar, Percussion, Stage Construction, etc. They can participate in one track per semester.

The School of Worship Arts
Our School of Worship Arts offers lessons for students of any age. Learn more on the School of Worship Arts web page.
Information Request
Complete the form below to request addtional information about the FBCUC Worship Ministry.