Become a Member

Winter Dates

January 19

February 16

Spring Dates

April 13

May 18

Summer Dates

July 20

September 21

Fall Dates

October 19

November 16

Welcome to First Baptist Church Universal City!
Our membership class is designed to answer common questions about our church, share what we have to offer you and your family, and explain how you can get connected here. We will also take time to discuss what church membership is and why it matters. While this class does not obligate you to become a member, you will have an opportunity to do so once completing the class. Light refreshments will also be provided.

Sundays at 3:30 p.m. | FBCUC Peace Auditorium
Parents may drop off children in the Nursery at 3:15 p.m.

Contact the church office at 210.658.6394 if you have any questions. The registration link for the membership class is located below.

Membership Class

Hosted by our membership class leaders, Dennis & Karen Becker, the class will provide an inside look into the mission and ministry of First Baptist Church Universal City. You will also have the opportunity to meet the church staff and have a question-and-answer time with Senior Pastor David Lindow, Jr. as he shares his heart about our church.

To start the process, you may respond to the invitation at the end of a service, request a meeting with one of the church staff or simply register and attend the membership class. If you are planning to join FBCUC please take time to complete the membership form, ministry survey and my story located below.