An endowment fund of
“Where Your Gifts Keep on Giving”

ELF Make-A-Will Workshop
January 19, 2025, in the Peace Auditorium from 3 to 5 pm
Register for the ELF Make-A-Will Workshop on Sunday, January 19th at 3pm. Childcare for pre-school aged children is available on the registration form.
With the new year having arrived, the Enduring Love Foundation wants you to be aware of our next seminar/workshop on making a will and other legacy documents which have resulted in 180 completed estate plans to date.
This workshop will guide you through the process of preparing a legally valid will and other important legacy documents.
Retired attorney Charles Stubblefield will offer remarks on the importance of having a will and answer questions regarding the process.
In addition, we will provide notary services for those who are prepared to execute their documents at the seminar.
From the Make-A-Will Workshop
Make-A-Will Workshop Presentation
Guide to Creating Online Will / Free Will Help Document for Will
Guide to Creating Financial Power of Attorney / Free Will Help Document for FPA
Guide to Creating Advanced Health Directive / Free Will Help Document for AHD
Strategies Beyond A Will presentation can be downloaded by clicking here.
In addition, you can click on these items for download: HIPAA Form; Qualified Charitable Distribution; Charitable Gift Annuities; Charitable Remainder Trusts; and Giving Vehicles.
To learn more abou the Enduring Love Foundation and how to get started on your Free Will, Power of Attorney, and Adavanced Health Care Documents continue reading below.
The purpose of the Enduring Love Foundation (ELF) is to bring pleasure, praise and people to God through a permanent endowment fund for the duration of this world. The intent of the fund is to augment our regular tithes and offerings through special gifts and legacy stewardship. Gifts received by the Foundation are permanently restricted for the sole purpose of being invested to produce income to finance FBCUC ministries. This website represents an expansion of our mission to provide a means through which 100% of our congregation can ensure peace of mind and the security of their families by preparing legacy documents without cost.

David Lindow, Senior Pastor
The Enduring Love Foundation is an integral part of our Mission here at FBCUC of Loving Up, Loving In and Loving Out. Please listen to the video to get a better understanding of it’s history and impact here at FBCUC.
Through the end of 2022, the foundation has returned $658,000 to the church and maintains a balance at year’s end of $1.4 million. The foundation’s board of directors, elected by the church, determine a gift annually in accordance with sound investment management principles. The ministerial staff and the Finance and Stewardship committee determine how to spend the money.
You may help ensure the legacy of FBCUC by making a gift to The Enduring Love Foundation. Gifts may be made to honor a friend or loved one during his or her lifetime or may by made in memory of a friend or family member after their death. Capital gifts of cash, securities, or real property may be given. Planned and deferred gifts may also be made to the Foundation.
Legacy stewardship involves the responsibility of caring for the families and possessions with which God has entrusted you during your lifetime. It includes such issues as guardianship of your children and disposition of your property, all of which begins with a will. Surveys generally agree that about 70% or more adult Americans do not have a will. The foundation’s goal is that 100% of FBCUC members will have a will. Partnering with we offer a website where you can produce a legally sufficient simple will absolutely free. Additionally, you may obtain other important documents such as medical directives and powers of attorney.
As owner of the corporation, FBCUC elects a board of directors to manage and invest property and funds gifted to the endowment. The board operates under church-approved by-laws and functions in a similar manner as church committees. The board selected High Ground Advisors (formerly Baptist Foundation of Texas) to manage the fund. The Baptist General Convention created this investment group in 1930 to guard against economic disasters that threatened Baptist churches, universities, children’s homes, hospitals, and similar institutions during the Great Depression.
The Board of Directors annually determines the amount of ELF earnings to be presented to the church. The FBCUC Finance and Stewardship Committee, in consultation with the ministerial staff, will recommend to the church how to spend these funds, independent from the church’s normal operating budget. These funds will be used only to benefit FBCUC ministries.
The Board of Directors makes an annual report to the church at the first business meeting of the year. Minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors, resolutions, and copies of annual audits are available in the church office. The Foundation by-laws, charter, and other detailed information are also available in the church office.
We must always strive to be good stewards of our earnings and maintain normal church activities through our tithes and offerings. The Foundation allows us to be good stewards of our estates. Congress, through it’s structure of income and estate tax laws, encourages us to share our wealth with charitable organizations. The estate tax, at death, may be as high as 55% of the appreciated market value of our accumulated lifetime assets. Careful planning can reduce this burden as well as promote God’s work for the duration of this world. If you would like more information about investing in The Enduring Love Foundation, please click here.
The Foundation has provided more than $658,000 through 2022 to FBCUC. The Church has used these funds to support missions and activities geared to Loving Up, Loving In, and Loving Out. More than $125,000 has been spent Loving Up through mission giving that includes Baptist LAMB offering, development of our church plant in Haiti, support of church starts in Tacoma, Portland, Schertz (Impact Church) and New York City. More than $450,000 has been spent Loving In on spending related to internal ministries such as the Spanish and Recreation ministries and most recently the Wellness Initiative, the purchase of land and development of Communion Park and Communion Garden, along with numerous physical plant upgrades and expansions including the Playground, Audio and Video related equipment and much more. More than $75,000 has been spent Loving Out in outreach benevolence to our church and community to include Resources for Women and national and international world hunger relief, to include Feed My Starving Children. The Foundation is “Where Your Gifts Keep on Giving”.
Make a one-time or recurring gift to ELF by clicking here or by mailing a check to the address below. Gifts may be made in honor or memory of a loved one or to create an endowment for future support.
The Enduring Love Foundation
1401 Pat Booker Road
Universal City, TX 78148
Support Kingdom work by donating appreciated stocks, mutual funds or bonds. Receive an income tax deduction and gift credit for the full market value without paying capital gains tax.
Individuals who are 70 1/2 years or older can make gifts to the Enduring Love Foundation directly from an IRA account. You can transfer up to $100,000 from your IRA to the ELF annually without having to recognize the distribution as income, avoiding unnecessary tax. An IRA Charitable Rollover will satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.
A gift of real estate can be made to ELF directly. Appreciated property held longer than one year qualifies as a charitable deduction and helps avoid capital gains taxes.
Having a will is an important step in stewarding the resources God has given you. Not only does it provide for your loved ones and protect your estate, it also allows you to leave a legacy of generosity by giving a portion of your estate to the causes you care about. The Enduring Love Foundation has a simple and completely FREE will creation tool- just click here.
Listing ELF as a beneficiary on your life insurance is an easy and flexible way to support your favorite ministry and mission causes. Simply complete a change of beneficiary form with your insurance company naming the Enduring Love Foundation as a beneficiary.
Retirement accounts, such as IRAs, 401(k), and 403(b) plans can be used to leave a legacy. By updating your beneficiary designations, you can name the Enduring Love Foundation and/or a specific ministry as the beneficiary of some or all of a retirement account. These assets will transfer tax-free.
An annuity or trust can provide flexibility in your estate plan. It can be arranged to provide income in your retirement years or provide for your family while your gift grows.
You can gift your bank accounts or brokerage/investment accounts by naming the Enduring Love Foundation as payee or transferee upon death. This type of gift transfers tax-free and outside of probate.
Enduring Love Foundation directors are available to assist you in establishing your gift. If you would like more information about investing in the Enduring Love Foundation, please click here
No matter your age or circumstances, everyone needs a legal will as a way to plan for the future, as well as to make a lasting commitment to the people and ministries that matter most. Making a will is a vital part of protecting your loved ones and stewarding everything that God has entrusted to your care. As much as 70% of the U.S. population does not have an estate plan. If one dies without a will, the state determines how their estate will be settled. It could be tied up in a lengthy probate process involving a court-appointed attorney, filing fees, and a court hearing—all paid for with money taken out of your estate. Weighty matters such as guardianship of your children and distribution of your money, property and other belongings will be decided by state law, creating an unnecessary burden and heartache for survivors.
The Enduring Love Foundation has established a self-help solution website (FreeWill) for common estate planning needs. FreeWill can help you create a legal will completely free of charge, and make it easy to create other important estate planning documents such as medical directives, powers of attorney and HIPPA papers, so you are prepared for your future. FreeWill can also be paired with an attorney for more complex needs. Having these documents will honor your wishes and protect your family from unnecessary distress. If you choose to create a legacy with The Enduring Love Foundation, you can easily add the necessary language in your will to memorialize your gift intentions.
Making a will doesn’t have to be complicated or scary, but many people avoid the task because they assume it will be. But this will-writing tool makes the process easy, intuitive, and fast. In less than 20 minutes, you can make a will and make a plan for the future. You won’t need to submit any sensitive personal information — no social security number necessary, for example — and you’ll finish with a PDF of your will that after signing it in accordance with the included instructions is legally valid in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
As you create your will, you have the option to include a bequest to the Enduring Love Foundation or FBCUC. Creating a legacy with the Enduring Love Foundation is the most powerful way to continue inspiring generosity throughout our faith community for years to come. It’s an opportunity to make a lasting commitment that extends your faith and values to future generations.
Click here to prepare your Last Will and Testament.
Click here to prepare your Power of Attorney.
Click here to prepare your Medical Directives. (Note: Does not include a HIPAA release-feature coming soon)
Click here to prepare your Beneficiary documents.
The Enduring Love Foundation
1401 Pat Booker Road
Universal City, Texas 78148