What We Believe


In accordance with historical Baptist traditions, First Baptist Church is independent and autonomous. We do however, cooperate and seek mutual counsel with the Baptist General Convention of Texas, and other local, state and national Baptist organizations. We affirm the doctrinal statements set forth in “The Baptist Faith and Message” as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000.


We exist to glorify Jesus Christ by cultivating a loving family that leads its members to a life of heartfelt worship, deepening discipleship, caring ministry and personal evangelism.


Loving Up

It is a commitment to Christ and to the disciplines necessary for spiritual growth. This is where it all begins and what life is ultimately about – knowing Christ. True meaning is found and new life begins when we experience the transforming power of Jesus. Introducing people to the gospel of Christ is one of our greatest joys at First Baptist Church. Together as a faith family, we walk alongside each other, growing in our knowledge of Christ by worshiping, praying, teaching and studying God’s Word. Our church exists to create disciples who have the desire to glorify Jesus Christ by cultivating a loving family who leads its members to heartfelt worship and deepening discipleship.

Loving In

It is a commitment to discovering and using God-given gifts and abilities in serving God and others. At First Baptist Church we experience authentic community among men and women, boys and girls, families and individuals of every life stage and circumstance, each seeking to live by Christ’s example and in His power to care for others beyond themselves. Regular fellowship opportunities through small groups are a priority at our church, building intentional and meaningful connections among fellow Christians in your community. Our church exists to create disciples who have the desire to glorify Jesus Christ by cultivating a loving family who leads its members to caring ministry.

Loving Out

It is a commitment to sharing the gospel message with others. The Church serves as the Body of Christ in the world today, meeting needs and sharing hope. As His people, one of our greatest purposes is to live out the love of Christ everywhere we go. Throughout our daily routines, God’s grace spurs us on to selfless giving and sacrificial living. At First Baptist Church, we seek to join God’s work of meeting needs and changing lives by serving our members, caring for our neighbors in the community and around the world through missions, and giving generously of our time and resources for the sake of the gospel. Our church exists to create disciples who have the desire to glorify Jesus Christ by cultivating a loving family who leads its members to personal evangelism.