Vision 2030
Vision 2030 Report
Church Family,
This [report] is intended to provide a roadmap for the direction of First Baptist Church through the year 2030 and beyond. Our church must constantly improve and evolve while holding steadfast to the purity of the Gospel message, the inerrancy of the Bible and the doctrines of our faith. The vision team was tasked with developing this document by seeking the vision and will of the Father. I am thankful for the many people who bathed this effort in prayer. The wisdom and insight of the church body was gathered with interviews, questionnaires, electronic interviews and demographic studies. This vision should help position our church to be more effective in developing our saints to grow in their faith and to reach people for Christ – this is our primary mission. We will now begin the long processes of reviewing and implementing this plan as the Father leads. I appreciate the hard work of our Vision 2030 Team and the support given by this church. The future looks bright as we labor for the Lord together.
Pastor David Lindow